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Goal Setting & Lifestyle Design: A Framework for Becoming the Person You Want to Be

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

"Firstly, know what you want; have a clear idea of your outcome in any situation. Secondly, be alert and keep your senses open so that you notice what you are getting. Thirdly, have the flexibility to keep changing what you do until you get what you want."

From Introducing NLP

By Joseph O'Connor & John Seymour

So, are you getting what you want? Are you evolving in body, mind, spirit..? If yes, fantastic. How will you sustain this growth? If no, Let's try something different.

This framework will help you think through your goals and discover more about your wants, dreams, and desires. We suggest writing this down in a journal or writing digital notes. Keep these thoughts safe! They could change your life!

This process can be challenging. Keep in mind that you do not need to have all the answers. These questions and prompts may need time to be processed before the answers become clear. It's okay to have answers to some and not for others. You may also choose to go through this framework with Jared instead of on your own. Be patient and mindful of how you feel as you work through this document.


Ask yourself:

"What kind of life would I like to live?"

Try to write a sentence (or a few) for each point below. It's highly encouraged that you ponder some of these areas and come back to them later if nothing comes to mind immediately.

  • Consider a variety of life areas:

    • Body

    • Mindset

    • Spirituality

    • Family & Friends

    • Intimate Relationships

    • Fun & Travel

    • Work & Projects

    • Finances

  • Then, bring it all together. Try to visualize this as a singular context, environment, and life. Make it a grand and exciting life, something dreams are made of!

  • Sit upright, in a comfortable position, and with a straight spine for a few minutes. Take some deep breaths to help yourself relax and clear your mind. Then bring your dream into your mind...

Thoughts become things.


Ask yourself: "Who am I in this dream life?" "What do I do in this dream life?"

If this really is what you want, you've got take take responsibility and know that you are the only one who can and WILL make this happen. You will have help and support along the way, but you need to take the lead!

Prioritize BEING who you need to be (internal feelings). For instance... if you want to run a marathon, your priority is to become a runner. If your goal is to practice yoga every day, your priority is to become a yogi. Your identity informs and shapes your habits. If you don't BELIEVE you are a runner, you won't get up every morning to run, at least not for very long. You must believe your ARE the person you want to be already!

  • How do you feel in your dream life?

  • How do you carry yourself in this dream life?

    • Body Language

    • Walking gait

    • Tone of Voice

  • What drives you in this dream?

  • What values do you have in this dream?

DOING what you need to do (external action) will come naturally if you believe you are the kind of person who can live the life you dream of. Let's think about some of the things you are doing on a daily basis in this dream life.

  • What daily tasks do I take on?

  • What might your daily routine look like?

  • What might your weekend look like?


Ask yourself:

"How will I make this dream a reality?"

A dream with a plan of action becomes a goal. So next, we will create a roadmap for ourselves. Assess what you can do to reach your goal in the next...

  • 5 years

  • 1 year

  • 6 months

  • 1 month

  • 1 week

  • Today

It's important we start with something longer term and work backwards, slowly chunking larger projects into smaller, more manageable, immediately actionable tasks. Looking at the peak of the mountain can be scary, but don't worry! Just take the first step... then the next, and the next, and the next… Eventually you can and will get there. Even a major life or career is possible with time, persistence, and patience.

Also know that humans tend to significantly OVER-estimate what they can do in 1 year, but significantly UNDER-estimate what they can do in 5 years. Think GRAND in the long-term. Be conservative in the short-term.


Ask yourself:

"How will I reward myself, not just for the final achievement, but for every step along the way?"

Celebrating every small step forward makes the process more enjoyable, keeps us focused on the present, and makes progress more sustainable. It's critical we recognize our own hard work and show ourselves some love! Rewarding yourself will make it more likely you will make a habit of the roles and behaviours necessary to achieve your goal.

  • What can you reward yourself with at the end of a week when you worked towards your dream life?

    • It's important that we congratulate ourselves for our efforts. Even if our attempts don't go as planned, remember that even failures are steps forward if we learn from them and try again.

    • Pick something small. Some ideas:

      • Your favourite meal/treat

      • A date night for yourself

      • An extra hour of sleep

      • A warm bath

      • A massage

  • What bigger thing(s) can you reward yourself with at the end of a month/quarter/6 months when you stuck to your plan and completed some projects/tasks?

    • Pick something larger. Some ideas:

      • An item you imagine from your dream life

      • Jewelry

      • A tech gadget

      • A tattoo

      • A trip/week off


Ask yourself:

"Do I have adequate resources to execute my plan?"

Ultimately, it's your passion and purpose that will get you to the life you dream of. But it's also critical to make sure you have the resources you need to get there and achieve the tasks/projects in your plan! Be scrappy, be innovative, be creative, especially if you have limited access to resources.

What do I need to get the outcome I desire? How can we intelligently use the resources we already have to reach this goal? How can we make these resources last as long as possible?Consider the following areas:

  • Finances

  • Talent & Team Members

  • Personal Skills & Education

  • Technology

  • Time & Energy

    • This is a critical one especially for those who could be working an existing job while working towards their dream life! How will you allocate your time and maintain your energy... avoid burn out at all costs!

  • Spaces & Environments

In today's day and age, very successful businesses, products, and communities can be grown from home with very little resources. Getting funding from the crowd, outsourcing tasks, and working from cafes is the new normal. Try to think about how you achieve your dream life with as little as possible. Remember, you;re probably reading this post on the screen of a supercomputer that fits in your pocket. Take advantage of this modern techno/info era.


Ask yourself:

"Does my current environment support the person I need to be and the things I need to do?"

Think about the short-term tasks in your plan. Modifying your environment will make you much more likely to complete these tasks and create good habits that keep your systems in check. This also includes the people in these spaces! Will your friends and family support your dream?

Want to workout every morning? Set out your gym clothes the night before.

Want to drink more water? Put your water bottle next to your keys so you never forget to bring it with you.

Consider how you can set up the following environments to reinforce behaviours you need to act out to complete your short-term goals and tasks:

  • Home:

    • Bedroom

    • Kitchen

    • Living Area

    • Etc...

  • Office/Workspace

  • Digital Spaces:

    • Phone Home-screen

    • Laptop Home-screen

  • Social Circles & Life


Ask yourself:

"Do I have any feelings of doubt or worry?"

Fear of failure needs to be conquered and so does the fear of success. Consider the following:

  • What would happen if I got this life now?

  • Who else would this dream effect?

  • Am I scared of failing? Why?

    • Remember that failure can be a step in the right direction if we learn from it and keep trying. Embrace failure and it will become your teacher.

  • Am I scared of succeeding? Why?

    • Life change can be scary. If we truly want our dream life, we've got to face the fear of change and trust that in the moment, everything will be okay. Don't ignore the fears, look at them directly... likely, you will see it is just an illusion.


Ask yourself:

Are you ready to make your plan your top priority?

Are you committed to making this happen (even if proves to be challenging)?

Are you prepared to be patient with yourself and your circumstances if you encounter unexpected obstacles, barriers, or setbacks?

Are you ready to adapt, to change in body, mind, and spirit, and to evolve as a person in pursuit of your dream?

If you are committed,

Start now!

Consider sharing your dream, a part of your plan, and your commitment with your friends, family, and community. Especially, those who you know will support you and keep you accountable. Making a social commitment, as well as a commitment to yourself, will help you stick to your plan. Plus, you will inspire others to evolve in the process.

Consider sharing your commitment with the EV/CO community. Making a social commitment, as well as a commitment to yourself, will help you stick to your plan. Plus, you will inspire others to evolve too.

I trust this framework helps you dive deeper into your goals, become the person you know you can be, and take action.

Thanks for reading. Wishing you well 🙏,




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